The USS COD is a great tour if you've ever been able to take it. If you haven't, you should definitely be part of this month's Sketch Crawl....because that is were we are going.
The USS COD is a WWII Submarine that had 7 war patrols in the Pacific Theater. The 312 foo submarine is a perfect example of the type of submarine manurfactured during the war in order to aide in the war effort. She was launched on March 21st, 1943. To find out more stories on the sub...you'll have to make sure you are a part of the May 2nd Sketch Crawl!
Next Month's Cleveland Sketch Crawl: June 6th
We'll be touring Wendy Park on Whiskey Island. This is a bit of a different location for sketching because it is more of greenspace than an urban location. However, there are great views of the skyline (from a very unique perspective), you can sketch the old Coast Gaurd station, the yaht club and the ships coming into the river. It really is a unique place. Click here to find directions to the park
As usual, the Cleveland Sketch Crawl is from 10am - 12noon on the first Saturday of each month. Anyone who loves to sketch is welcome, no matter what your skill level. While the focus of the Sketch Crawl is drawing....we do have photographers and other artists that attend.