...tomorrow (August 2nd)!
So get ready to start your Saturday off with a little drawing and city exploration. For the August crawl, we will be starting off at our old spot (The Arcade) at 10 am. From there we will stroll down Superior Avenue towards the Flats and the river.
While we've mostly been sketching the physical environment of the city, tomorrow, we will add an exciting subject to the mix....a pop-up dog park. The Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound program of Steps to a Healthier Cleveland and the Pop-up City initiative are creating a Pop-up Dog Park in the Flats this Saturday. Read more about the event by clicking on the graphic to the left. There will be a lot of activity that will create the perfect environment for quick sketching. A little different direction for the Crawl....but hey...different is good, eh?
The Sketch Crawl is from 10am - 12noon, so bring your friends or your dog and have a great time! You can forward this e-mail easily by clicking the link below.
Hope you see you tomorrow morning.
**If you come late to the Crawl and you still want to meet up with us. We will be near the RTA Rapid station on Old River Road, near the Detroit Superior Bridge, at 11am.